Uses of Class

Packages that use Configuration
net.sf.eos.analyzer The package contains classes and patterns to support analyzing of CharSequence
net.sf.eos.config Main package to support the configuration of the classes in the εοs environment. 
net.sf.eos.document Contains the base document for all εοs data. 
net.sf.eos.entity Support for named entity recognizer. 
net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred Contains the base infrastructure for mapreduce handling. 
net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.decompose Decomposes a text into it sentences in a mapreduce task. 
net.sf.eos.lucene εοs based on Lucene
net.sf.eos.sentence It is essential to eleminate double sentences in a corpus with respect to additional metadata. 
net.sf.eos.trie Contains the base structure for memory based entity recognition. 
net.sf.eos.util Utilities which make no sence otherwhere. 

Uses of Configuration in net.sf.eos.analyzer

Methods in net.sf.eos.analyzer with parameters of type Configuration
static TokenizerSupplier TokenizerSupplier.newInstance(Configuration config)
          Creates a new instance.
static TextBuilder TextBuilder.newInstance(Configuration config)
          Creates a new instance of a of the builder.

Uses of Configuration in net.sf.eos.config

Subclasses of Configuration in net.sf.eos.config
 class HadoopConfigurationAdapter
          Hadoop Configuration holder.

Methods in net.sf.eos.config that return Configuration
protected  Configuration Configured.getConfiguration()
          Returns the configuration.

Methods in net.sf.eos.config with parameters of type Configuration
static void HadoopConfigurationAdapter.addEosConfigToHadoopConfig(Configuration from, Configuration to)
          Adds the data of the εοs configuration to the Hadoop configuration.
static void HadoopConfigurationAdapter.addHadoopConfigToEosConfig(Configuration from, Configuration to)
          Adds the data of the Hadoop configuration to the εοs configuration.
 void Configured.configure(Configuration config)
          Creates a copy of the given Configuration and stores it in a manner that Configured.getConfiguration() can reach it.
 void Configurable.configure(Configuration config)
          Set the configuration to be used by this object.

Constructors in net.sf.eos.config with parameters of type Configuration
Configuration(Configuration toCopy)
          Copy constructor.

Uses of Configuration in net.sf.eos.document

Methods in net.sf.eos.document with parameters of type Configuration
static Serializer Serializer.newInstance(Configuration config)

Uses of Configuration in net.sf.eos.entity

Methods in net.sf.eos.entity that return Configuration
protected  Configuration AbstractDictionaryBasedEntityRecognizer.getConfiguration()
          Returns the configuration.

Methods in net.sf.eos.entity with parameters of type Configuration
 void AbstractDictionaryBasedEntityRecognizer.configure(Configuration config)
static CommonNameResolver CommonNameResolver.newInstance(Configuration config)
          Creates a new instance of a of the recognizer.
static DictionaryBasedEntityRecognizer AbstractDictionaryBasedEntityRecognizer.newInstance(Tokenizer source, Configuration config)
          Creates a new instance of a of the recognizer.

Uses of Configuration in net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred

Methods in net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred with parameters of type Configuration
static AbstractKeyGenerator<? extends WritableComparable> AbstractKeyGenerator.newInstance(Configuration conf)
          Creates a new instance.

Uses of Configuration in net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.decompose

Methods in net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.decompose with parameters of type Configuration
 void TextMetaKeyGenerator.configure(Configuration config)

Uses of Configuration in net.sf.eos.lucene

Methods in net.sf.eos.lucene with parameters of type Configuration
abstract SearcherSupplier.get(Configuration conf)
          Use the given configuration to create a new Searchable instance. LocalFsDirectorySupplier.get(Configuration conf)
    IndexSearcherSupplier.get(Configuration conf)
abstract DirectorySupplier.get(Configuration conf)
          Use the given configuration to create a new Directory instance.
static SimilaritySupplier SimilaritySupplier.newInstance(Configuration config)
          Creates a new instance of a of the provider.
static SearcherSupplier SearcherSupplier.newInstance(Configuration config)
          Creates a new instance of a of the factory.
static LuceneDocumentCreator LuceneDocumentCreator.newInstance(Configuration config)
          Creates a new instance of a of the creator.
static DirectorySupplier DirectorySupplier.newInstance(Configuration config)
          Creates a new instance of a of the factory.
static AnalyzerSupplier AnalyzerSupplier.newInstance(Configuration config)
          Creates a new instance of a of the provider.

Uses of Configuration in net.sf.eos.sentence

Methods in net.sf.eos.sentence with parameters of type Configuration
static Sentencer Sentencer.newInstance(Configuration config)
          Creates a new instance of a of the implementation.

Uses of Configuration in net.sf.eos.trie

Methods in net.sf.eos.trie with parameters of type Configuration
static TrieLoader AbstractTrieLoader.newInstance(Configuration config)

Uses of Configuration in net.sf.eos.util

Methods in net.sf.eos.util with parameters of type Configuration
<T> ConfigurableSupplier<T>
SupplierFactory.newSupplier(Class<? extends ConfigurableSupplier<T>> clazz, Configuration config)
          Creates a new instance of the ConfigurableSupplier class.
<T> Supplier<T>
SupplierFactory.newSupplier(String configName, Configuration config)
          Creates a new instance of the Supplier class.
<T> Supplier<T>
SupplierFactory.newSupplier(String configName, Configuration config, String defaultClazzName)
          Creates a new instance of the Supplier class.

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