ABSTRACT_DICTIONARY_BASED_ENTITY_RECOGNIZER_IMPL_CONFIG_NAME - Static variable in class net.sf.eos.entity.AbstractDictionaryBasedEntityRecognizer
The configuration key name for the classname of the factory.
ABSTRACT_KEY_GENERATOR_IMPL_CONFIG_NAME - Static variable in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.AbstractKeyGenerator
AbstractDictionaryBasedEntityRecognizer - Class in net.sf.eos.entity
An implementation of a @code EntityRecognizer} identifies entities in a text.
AbstractDictionaryBasedEntityRecognizer(Tokenizer) - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.entity.AbstractDictionaryBasedEntityRecognizer
AbstractEosDriver - Class in net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred
Support for some generic configuration data.
AbstractEosDriver() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.AbstractEosDriver
AbstractKeyGenerator<K extends WritableComparable> - Class in net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred
Simple implementation with a factory.
AbstractKeyGenerator() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.AbstractKeyGenerator
AbstractToken - Class in net.sf.eos.analyzer
Simple implementation for reuse.
AbstractToken(CharSequence) - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.analyzer.AbstractToken
Creates a new token for the given sequence.
AbstractToken(CharSequence, Map<String, List<String>>) - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.analyzer.AbstractToken
AbstractToken(CharSequence, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.analyzer.AbstractToken
AbstractToken(Token) - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.analyzer.AbstractToken
Copy constuctor.
AbstractToken(CharSequence, String, Map<String, List<String>>) - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.analyzer.AbstractToken
Creates a new token for the given sequence for a special type.
AbstractTrieLoader<K,V> - Class in net.sf.eos.trie
AbstractTrieLoader() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.trie.AbstractTrieLoader
addEosConfigToHadoopConfig(Configuration, Configuration) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.config.HadoopConfigurationAdapter
Adds the data of the εοs configuration to the Hadoop configuration.
addHadoopConfigToEosConfig(Configuration, Configuration) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.config.HadoopConfigurationAdapter
Adds the data of the Hadoop configuration to the εοs configuration.
addTrieEntryListener(TrieSource.TrieEntryListener) - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.TrieHandler
addTrieEntryListener(TrieSource.TrieEntryListener) - Method in interface net.sf.eos.trie.TrieSource
ANALYZER_PROVIDER_IMPL_CONFIG_NAME - Static variable in class net.sf.eos.lucene.AnalyzerSupplier
The configuration key name for the classname of the factory.
AnalyzerSupplier - Class in net.sf.eos.lucene
To support different strategies of Lucene analyzers this factory decoupled the creation of the analyzer from hard coded classnames.
AnalyzerSupplier() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.lucene.AnalyzerSupplier
and(String) - Method in class net.sf.eos.lucene.DefaultEosQuery
and(String) - Method in interface net.sf.eos.search.EosQuery
Adds a phrase to lookup with the boolean and operation.
andMeta(String, String) - Method in class net.sf.eos.lucene.DefaultEosQuery
andMeta(String, String) - Method in interface net.sf.eos.search.EosQuery
Adds a meta entry for a special field to lookup with the boolean and operation.
andMetaRange(String, String, String) - Method in class net.sf.eos.lucene.DefaultEosQuery
andMetaRange(String, String, String) - Method in interface net.sf.eos.search.EosQuery
Adds a meta entry for a special field to lookup with the boolean and operation.
andNot(String) - Method in class net.sf.eos.lucene.DefaultEosQuery
andNot(String) - Method in interface net.sf.eos.search.EosQuery
Adds a phrase not to lookup with the boolean and operation.
andNotMeta(String, String) - Method in class net.sf.eos.lucene.DefaultEosQuery
andNotMeta(String, String) - Method in interface net.sf.eos.search.EosQuery
Adds a meta entry for a special field to not lookup with the boolean and operation.
apply(F) - Method in interface net.sf.eos.Function
Applies the function to an object of type F, resulting in an object of type T.
apply(String) - Method in class net.sf.eos.search.UserQueryParser
Splits the user query in different terms and phrases.
apply(ConfigurationKeyIntrospectorFunction.ConfigurationKeySupport) - Method in class net.sf.eos.util.functions.ConfigurationKeyIntrospectorFunction
Extracts the ConfigurationKey from the given class with the specified value of the key.
apply(ConfigurationKey) - Method in class net.sf.eos.util.functions.DefaultValueConfigurationKeyFunction
Returns the default value of a ConfigurationKey.
apply(Float) - Method in class net.sf.eos.util.functions.Fahrenheit2Celsius
asKey(Object) - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.PatriciaTrie
Gets the key as a 'K'.


bitIndex(byte[], int, int, byte[], int, int) - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.ByteArrayKeyAnalyzer
bitIndex(CharSequence, int, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.CharSequenceKeyAnalyzer
bitIndex(K, int, int, K, int, int) - Method in interface net.sf.eos.trie.PatriciaTrie.KeyAnalyzer
Returns the n-th different bit between key and found.
bitsPerElement() - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.ByteArrayKeyAnalyzer
bitsPerElement() - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.CharSequenceKeyAnalyzer
bitsPerElement() - Method in interface net.sf.eos.trie.PatriciaTrie.KeyAnalyzer
Returns the number of bits per element in the key.
buildText(List<Token>) - Method in class net.sf.eos.analyzer.TextBuilder
Creates a new text from the given token.
buildText(Token...) - Method in class net.sf.eos.analyzer.TextBuilder
Creates a new text from the given token.
buildText(CharSequence...) - Method in class net.sf.eos.analyzer.TextBuilder
Creates a new text from the given CharSequence.
buildText(List<Token>) - Method in class net.sf.eos.analyzer.TextBuilder.SpaceBuilder
buildText(Token...) - Method in class net.sf.eos.analyzer.TextBuilder.SpaceBuilder
buildText(CharSequence...) - Method in class net.sf.eos.analyzer.TextBuilder.SpaceBuilder
ByteArrayKeyAnalyzer - Class in net.sf.eos.trie
ByteArrayKeyAnalyzer() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.trie.ByteArrayKeyAnalyzer


CaseTokenFilter - Class in net.sf.eos.analyzer
Transforms the input token to a upper or lower cased format for a given Locale.
CaseTokenFilter(Tokenizer) - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.analyzer.CaseTokenFilter
Creates a new instance for lowercase with the default Locale.
CaseTokenFilter(Tokenizer, boolean) - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.analyzer.CaseTokenFilter
Creates a new instance with the default Locale.
CaseTokenFilter(Tokenizer, Locale) - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.analyzer.CaseTokenFilter
Creates a new instance for lowercase with the given Locale.
CaseTokenFilter(Tokenizer, Locale, boolean) - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.analyzer.CaseTokenFilter
Creates a new instance.
ceilingEntry(K) - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.PatriciaTrie
Returns a key-value mapping associated with the least key greater than or equal to the given key, or null if there is no such key.
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class net.sf.eos.document.XmlSerializer.XmlEosDocumentHandler
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.TrieHandler
CharSequenceKeyAnalyzer - Class in net.sf.eos.trie
Analyzes CharSequence keys with case sensitivity.
CharSequenceKeyAnalyzer() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.trie.CharSequenceKeyAnalyzer
checkArgument(boolean) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.util.Conditions
Checks the expression of an argument and throws an IllegalArgumentException if the expression is false.
checkArgument(boolean, Object) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.util.Conditions
Checks the expression of an argument and throws an IllegalArgumentException if the expression is false.
checkArgumentNotNull(T) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.util.Conditions
Checks that the given reference is null and throws an IllegalArgumentException if so.
checkArgumentNotNull(T, Object) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.util.Conditions
Checks that the given reference is null and throws an IllegalArgumentException if so.
checkState(boolean) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.util.Conditions
Checks the expression of an argument and throws an IllegalStateException if the expression is false.
checkState(boolean, Object) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.util.Conditions
Checks the expression of an argument and throws an IllegalStateException if the expression is false.
clear() - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.PatriciaTrie
Clears the Trie (i.e. removes all elements).
close() - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.cooccurrence.DictionaryBasedEntityRecognizerMapper
close() - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.cooccurrence.DictionaryBasedEntityRecognizerReducer
close() - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.decompose.SentencerMapper
close() - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.decompose.SentencerReducer
close() - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.EosDocumentSupportMapReduceBase
close() - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.index.FsDirectory
close() - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.index.IndexMapper
close() - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.index.IndexReducer
COMMON_NAME_RESOLVER_IMPL_CONFIG_NAME - Static variable in class net.sf.eos.entity.CommonNameResolver
The configuration key name for the classname of the factory.
CommonDocument - Interface in net.sf.eos.lucene
CommonDocument.FieldName - Enum in net.sf.eos.lucene
The field names.
CommonNameResolver - Class in net.sf.eos.entity
The common name resolver maps an ID of an entity to the common name of the entity.
CommonNameResolver() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.entity.CommonNameResolver
comparator() - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.PatriciaTrie
Returns the KeyAnalyzer as a comparator.
compare(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.ByteArrayKeyAnalyzer
compare(CharSequence, CharSequence) - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.CharSequenceKeyAnalyzer
compose(Function<? super F, ? extends I>, Function<? super I, ? extends T>) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.util.Compositions
Returns the composition of two functions.
compose(Function<? super F, ? extends T>, Predicate<T>) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.util.Compositions
Returns a composition of a from Function and an evaluating to Predicate.
compose(Supplier<? extends F>, Function<F, T>) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.util.Compositions
Returns a composition of a from Supplier and an applied to Function.
composeRule(Predicate<? super F>, Function<? super F, ? extends T>, Function<? super F, ? extends T>) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.util.Compositions
Composes a rule.
Compositions - Class in net.sf.eos.util
Defines some useful compositions for handling with Functions, Predicates and Suppliers.
Conditions - Class in net.sf.eos.util
Provides static methods to simpler condition handling.
Configurable - Interface in net.sf.eos.config
Class which are configurable must implement this interface.
ConfigurableSupplier<T> - Interface in net.sf.eos.config
Instances supply objects of a single type which are configurable.
Configuration - Class in net.sf.eos.config
A simple name value configuration handler.
Configuration() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.config.Configuration
Creates a new instance.
Configuration(Configuration) - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.config.Configuration
Copy constructor.
ConfigurationException - Exception in net.sf.eos.config
May throw if a configuration is not valid.
ConfigurationException() - Constructor for exception net.sf.eos.config.ConfigurationException
Creates a new instance.
ConfigurationException(String) - Constructor for exception net.sf.eos.config.ConfigurationException
Creates a new instance.
ConfigurationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception net.sf.eos.config.ConfigurationException
Creates a new instance.
ConfigurationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception net.sf.eos.config.ConfigurationException
Creates a new instance.
ConfigurationKey - Annotation Type in net.sf.eos.config
Indicates that a field name is a key of the Configuration data.
ConfigurationKey.AlwaysTruePredicate - Class in net.sf.eos.config
The predicate always returns true.
ConfigurationKey.AlwaysTruePredicate() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.config.ConfigurationKey.AlwaysTruePredicate
ConfigurationKey.Type - Enum in net.sf.eos.config
The possible type of the configuration parameter.
ConfigurationKeyIntrospectorFunction - Class in net.sf.eos.util.functions
Extracts a ConfigurationKey from a given type with a specified value.
ConfigurationKeyIntrospectorFunction() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.util.functions.ConfigurationKeyIntrospectorFunction
ConfigurationKeyIntrospectorFunction.ConfigurationKeySupport - Class in net.sf.eos.util.functions
Simple holder for reflection data.
ConfigurationKeyIntrospectorFunction.ConfigurationKeySupport(Class<?>, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.util.functions.ConfigurationKeyIntrospectorFunction.ConfigurationKeySupport
Creates a new instance.
configure(Configuration) - Method in interface net.sf.eos.config.Configurable
Set the configuration to be used by this object.
configure(Configuration) - Method in class net.sf.eos.config.Configured
Creates a copy of the given Configuration and stores it in a manner that Configured.getConfiguration() can reach it.
configure(Configuration) - Method in class net.sf.eos.entity.AbstractDictionaryBasedEntityRecognizer
configure(JobConf) - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.cooccurrence.DictionaryBasedEntityRecognizerMapper
Sets the configuration and calls DictionaryBasedEntityRecognizerMapper.configureTrie()
configure(JobConf) - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.cooccurrence.DictionaryBasedEntityRecognizerReducer
configure(JobConf) - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.decompose.SentencerMapper
configure(JobConf) - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.decompose.SentencerReducer
configure(Configuration) - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.decompose.TextMetaKeyGenerator
configure(JobConf) - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.EosDocumentSupportMapReduceBase
configure(JobConf) - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.index.IndexMapper
configure(JobConf) - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.index.IndexReducer
Configured - Class in net.sf.eos.config
Support class for configurable objects.
Configured() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.config.Configured
Construct a Configured.
configureTrie() - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.cooccurrence.DictionaryBasedEntityRecognizerMapper
Configures the trie.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.PatriciaTrie
Returns true if this trie contains the specified Key This may throw ClassCastException if the object is not of type K.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.PatriciaTrie
Returns true if this Trie contains the specified value.
coord(int, int) - Method in class net.sf.eos.lucene.NormedLengthSimilarity
createDigester() - Method in class net.sf.eos.sentence.Sentencer
Returns the message digest implementation.
createIntBitMask(int) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.trie.CharSequenceKeyAnalyzer
createKeysForDocument(EosDocument) - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.cooccurrence.DictionaryBasedEntityIdKeyGenerator
createKeysForDocument(EosDocument) - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.cooccurrence.IdMetadataKeyGenerator
createKeysForDocument(EosDocument) - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.decompose.TextMetaKeyGenerator
createKeysForDocument(EosDocument) - Method in interface net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.KeyGenerator
Creates a new key.
createLuceneForEosDocument(EosDocument) - Method in class net.sf.eos.lucene.DefaultLuceneDocumentCreator
Creates a new document.
createLuceneForEosDocument(EosDocument) - Method in class net.sf.eos.lucene.LuceneDocumentCreator
Creates a Lucene Document for a given EosDocument.
createOptions() - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.AbstractEosDriver
createOptions() - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.cooccurrence.DictionaryBasedEntityRecognizerMapReduceDriver
createOutput(String) - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.index.FsDirectory
CREATOR_META_KEY - Static variable in class net.sf.eos.document.EosDocument
A metadata key for the creator in a metadata.


DEFAULT_MESSAGE_DIGEST - Static variable in class net.sf.eos.sentence.Sentencer
The default message digest algorithm.
DEFAULT_TYPE - Static variable in interface net.sf.eos.analyzer.Token
The default type of a token.
DefaultEosQuery - Class in net.sf.eos.lucene
Use internally AnalyzerSupplier, SearcherSupplier and CommonNameResolver if configured.
DefaultEosQuery() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.lucene.DefaultEosQuery
DefaultLuceneDocumentCreator - Class in net.sf.eos.lucene
NameValue ofStoreTokenizeComment CONTENTEosDocument.getText()YesTOKENIZED CREATOREosDocument.CREATOR_META_KEYYesTOKENIZEDAll values where added to the field IDEosDocument.ID_META_KEYYesUN_TOKENIZEDAll values where added to the field YEAREosDocument.YEAR_META_KEYYesUN_TOKENIZEDAll values where added to the field
DefaultLuceneDocumentCreator() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.lucene.DefaultLuceneDocumentCreator
DefaultLuceneEosLookup - Class in net.sf.eos.lucene
DefaultLuceneEosLookup() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.lucene.DefaultLuceneEosLookup
DefaultSentencer - Class in net.sf.eos.sentence
Simple default implementation.
DefaultSentencer() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.sentence.DefaultSentencer
Creates a new instance.
DefaultValueConfigurationKeyFunction - Class in net.sf.eos.util.functions
The function returns the default value of a ConfigurationKey.
DefaultValueConfigurationKeyFunction() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.util.functions.DefaultValueConfigurationKeyFunction
deleteFile(String) - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.index.FsDirectory
deserialize(Reader) - Method in class net.sf.eos.document.Serializer
Implementations must deserialize a EosDocument which are serialized by Serializer.serialize(EosDocument,Writer).
deserialize(Reader) - Method in class net.sf.eos.document.XmlSerializer
DESTINATION_LONG_CMD_ARG - Static variable in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.AbstractEosDriver
Long commandline parameter name for the destination or output path.
DESTINATION_SHORT_CMD_ARG - Static variable in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.AbstractEosDriver
Short commandline parameter name for the destination or output path.
DictionaryBasedEntityIdKeyGenerator - Class in net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.cooccurrence
DictionaryBasedEntityIdKeyGenerator() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.cooccurrence.DictionaryBasedEntityIdKeyGenerator
DictionaryBasedEntityRecognizer - Interface in net.sf.eos.entity
The DictionaryBasedEntityRecognizer uses a Map to recognize entities in a text.
DictionaryBasedEntityRecognizerMapper - Class in net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.cooccurrence
DictionaryBasedEntityRecognizerMapper() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.cooccurrence.DictionaryBasedEntityRecognizerMapper
DictionaryBasedEntityRecognizerMapReduceDriver - Class in net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.cooccurrence
The driver supports the base arguments.
DictionaryBasedEntityRecognizerMapReduceDriver() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.cooccurrence.DictionaryBasedEntityRecognizerMapReduceDriver
DictionaryBasedEntityRecognizerReducer - Class in net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.cooccurrence
DictionaryBasedEntityRecognizerReducer() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.cooccurrence.DictionaryBasedEntityRecognizerReducer
DIRECTORY_SUPPLIER_IMPL_CONFIG_NAME - Static variable in class net.sf.eos.lucene.DirectorySupplier
The configuration key name for the classname of the factory.
DirectorySupplier - Class in net.sf.eos.lucene
DirectorySupplier() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.lucene.DirectorySupplier
distributedCachePathes(JobConf) - Method in interface net.sf.eos.hadoop.DistributedCacheStrategy
Strategies implementing classes must implement this method.
distributedCachePathes(JobConf) - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.FullyDistributedCacheStrategy
distributedCachePathes(JobConf) - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.TestDistributedCacheStrategy
DistributedCacheStrategy - Interface in net.sf.eos.hadoop
Supports different strategies to fetch the cache path.
DOCUMENT_CREATOR_IMPL_CONFIG_NAME - Static variable in class net.sf.eos.lucene.LuceneDocumentCreator
The configuration key name for the classname of the creator.
doJob(JobConf) - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.AbstractEosDriver
Runs the job for the given configuration.
DONE_NAME - Static variable in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.index.IndexMerger
DONE_NAME - Static variable in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.index.LuceneOutputFormat


EMPTY_ITERATOR - Static variable in class net.sf.eos.trie.EmptyIterator
A constant EmptyIterator.
EmptyIterator - Class in net.sf.eos.trie
Provides an unmodifiable empty iterator.
EmptyIterator() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.trie.EmptyIterator
emptyIterator() - Static method in class net.sf.eos.trie.EmptyIterator
endDocument() - Method in class net.sf.eos.document.XmlSerializer.XmlEosDocumentHandler
endDocument() - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.TrieHandler
endElement(String, String, String) - Method in class net.sf.eos.document.XmlSerializer.XmlEosDocumentHandler
endElement(String, String, String) - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.TrieHandler
ENTITY_ID_KEY - Static variable in interface net.sf.eos.entity.DictionaryBasedEntityRecognizer
ID meta key.
ENTITY_TYPE - Static variable in interface net.sf.eos.entity.EntityRecognizer
The type of a recognized token.
EntityRecognizer - Interface in net.sf.eos.entity
The strategy for entity recognition is not defined.
entrySet() - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.PatriciaTrie
EosDocument - Class in net.sf.eos.document
Represents a simple εοs document.
EosDocument() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.document.EosDocument
EosDocumentSupportMapReduceBase - Class in net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred
Support for handling Map/Reduce jobs with EosDocument.
EosDocumentSupportMapReduceBase() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.EosDocumentSupportMapReduceBase
eosDocumentToText(EosDocument) - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.EosDocumentSupportMapReduceBase
Transforms a EosDocument to an Hadoop Text.
EosException - Exception in net.sf.eos
Base exception of εοs-toolkit.
EosException() - Constructor for exception net.sf.eos.EosException
Creates a new instance.
EosException(String) - Constructor for exception net.sf.eos.EosException
Creates a new instance.
EosException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception net.sf.eos.EosException
Creates a new instance.
EosException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception net.sf.eos.EosException
Creates a new instance.
EosLookup - Interface in net.sf.eos.search
Base interface for index lookup.
EosLookupProvider - Interface in net.sf.eos.search
EosQuery - Interface in net.sf.eos.search
A query is always constructed by the EosLookup instance and supports simple lookups in an entity oriented search index.
EQUAL_BIT_KEY - Static variable in interface net.sf.eos.trie.PatriciaTrie.KeyAnalyzer
Returned by bitIndex if key and found key are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class net.sf.eos.document.EosDocument
equals(Object) - Method in interface net.sf.eos.Function
Indicates whether some other object is equal to this Function.
equals(Object) - Method in interface net.sf.eos.Predicate
Indicates whether some other object is equal to this Predicate.
equals(Object) - Method in class net.sf.eos.util.Pair
EqualsAndHashUtil - Class in net.sf.eos.util
Utility class to support Object.equals(Object) and Object.hashCode() method implementation.
evaluate(String) - Method in class net.sf.eos.config.ConfigurationKey.AlwaysTruePredicate
evaluate(T) - Method in interface net.sf.eos.Predicate
Evaluates this predicate for the given value.
execute() - Method in class net.sf.eos.lucene.DefaultEosQuery
execute() - Method in interface net.sf.eos.search.EosQuery
Creates the executable query.
Experimental - Annotation Type in net.sf.eos
Use annotated types, methods or annotation types with care.


FactoryMethod - Annotation Type in net.sf.eos.config
Identifies a method in a class as a factory method.
FactoryMethod.None - Class in net.sf.eos.config
Default none implementation.
Fahrenheit2Celsius - Class in net.sf.eos.util.functions
Fahrenheit2Celsius() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.util.functions.Fahrenheit2Celsius
fileExists(String) - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.index.FsDirectory
fileLength(String) - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.index.FsDirectory
fileModified(String) - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.index.FsDirectory
firstKey() - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.PatriciaTrie
floorEntry(K) - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.PatriciaTrie
Returns a key-value mapping associated with the greatest key less than or equal to the given key, or null if there is no such key.
followRight(PatriciaTrie.TrieEntry<K, V>) - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.PatriciaTrie
Traverses down the right path until it finds an uplink.
FsDirectory - Class in net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.index
Reads a Lucene index stored in Hadoops DFS.
FsDirectory(FileSystem, Path, boolean, Configuration) - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.index.FsDirectory
FullyDistributedCacheStrategy - Class in net.sf.eos.hadoop
Supports the cache in a fully distributed environment.
FullyDistributedCacheStrategy() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.hadoop.FullyDistributedCacheStrategy
Function<F,T> - Interface in net.sf.eos
A Function provides a transformation on an object and returns the resulting object.


get() - Method in class net.sf.eos.analyzer.TokenizerSupplier
Creates a new instance.
get(String) - Method in class net.sf.eos.config.Configuration
Returns a value for the given name.
get(String, String) - Method in class net.sf.eos.config.Configuration
Returns a value for the given name.
get() - Method in class net.sf.eos.lucene.AnalyzerSupplier
Returns a new Analyzer instance.
get() - Method in class net.sf.eos.lucene.DirectorySupplier
Creates a new directory for the configuration at creation time.
get(Configuration) - Method in class net.sf.eos.lucene.DirectorySupplier
Use the given configuration to create a new Directory instance.
get(Configuration) - Method in class net.sf.eos.lucene.IndexSearcherSupplier
get(Configuration) - Method in class net.sf.eos.lucene.LocalFsDirectorySupplier
get() - Method in class net.sf.eos.lucene.NormedLengthSimilaritySupplier
get() - Method in class net.sf.eos.lucene.SearcherSupplier
Creates a new searchable for the configuration at creation time.
get(Configuration) - Method in class net.sf.eos.lucene.SearcherSupplier
Use the given configuration to create a new Searchable instance.
get() - Method in class net.sf.eos.lucene.SimilaritySupplier
Returns a new Similarity instance.
get() - Method in class net.sf.eos.lucene.WhitespaceAnalyzerSupplier
get() - Method in class net.sf.eos.medline.MedlineTokenizerSupplier
get() - Method in interface net.sf.eos.Supplier
Returns an instance of the expected type.
get(Object) - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.PatriciaTrie
Returns the Value whose Key equals our lookup Key or null if no such key exists.
getBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.eos.config.Configuration
Returns a value for the given name as boolean
getCommonName() - Method in class net.sf.eos.search.LookupEntry
Returns the common name of a named entity.
getConfigKeyHolderClass() - Method in class net.sf.eos.util.functions.ConfigurationKeyIntrospectorFunction.ConfigurationKeySupport
Returns the class to refelect.
getConfigKeyValue() - Method in class net.sf.eos.util.functions.ConfigurationKeyIntrospectorFunction.ConfigurationKeySupport
Returns the value of the configuration key field.
getConfiguration() - Method in class net.sf.eos.config.Configured
Returns the configuration.
getConfiguration() - Method in class net.sf.eos.entity.AbstractDictionaryBasedEntityRecognizer
Returns the configuration.
getDictionaryBasedEntityRecognizerForText(CharSequence) - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.cooccurrence.DictionaryBasedEntityIdKeyGenerator
Creates a new DictionaryBasedEntityRecognizer for the given text.
getDocument() - Method in class net.sf.eos.document.XmlSerializer.XmlEosDocumentHandler
Returns a document, constructed from the value of the parser.
getEntityMap() - Method in class net.sf.eos.entity.AbstractDictionaryBasedEntityRecognizer
getEntityMap() - Method in interface net.sf.eos.entity.DictionaryBasedEntityRecognizer
Return the entity map.
getFirst() - Method in class net.sf.eos.util.Pair
Returns the first value of the pair.
getFloat(String, float) - Method in class net.sf.eos.config.Configuration
Returns a value for the given name as float
getId() - Method in class net.sf.eos.search.LookupEntry
Returns the ID of the entry.
getInt(String, int) - Method in class net.sf.eos.config.Configuration
Returns a value for the given name as int
getJobConf() - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.AbstractEosDriver
Returns the job configuration.
getKey() - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.TrieSource.TrieEntry
getKeyAnalyzer() - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.PatriciaTrie
Returns the KeyAnalyzer that constructed the trie.
getMaxToken() - Method in class net.sf.eos.entity.AbstractDictionaryBasedEntityRecognizer
getMaxToken() - Method in interface net.sf.eos.entity.DictionaryBasedEntityRecognizer
getMeta() - Method in class net.sf.eos.analyzer.AbstractToken
getMeta() - Method in class net.sf.eos.document.EosDocument
Returns the metadata of the document.
getMeta() - Method in interface net.sf.eos.Metadata
Returns simple metadata.
getMeta() - Method in class net.sf.eos.search.LookupEntry
Returns the metadata of an entry.
getPrefixedBy(K) - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.PatriciaTrie
Returns a view of this Trie of all elements that are prefixed by the given key.
getPrefixedBy(K, int) - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.PatriciaTrie
Returns a view of this Trie of all elements that are prefixed by the length of the key.
getPrefixedBy(K, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.PatriciaTrie
Returns a view of this Trie of all elements that are prefixed by the key, starting at the given offset and for the given length.
getPrefixedBy(K) - Method in interface net.sf.eos.trie.Trie
Returns a view of this Trie of all elements that are prefixed by the given key.
getPrefixedBy(K, int) - Method in interface net.sf.eos.trie.Trie
Returns a view of this Trie of all elements that are prefixed by the length of the key.
getPrefixedBy(K, int, int) - Method in interface net.sf.eos.trie.Trie
Returns a view of this Trie of all elements that are prefixed by the key, starting at the given offset and for the given length.
getPrefixedByBits(K, int) - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.PatriciaTrie
Returns a view of this Trie of all elements that are prefixed by the number of bits in the given Key.
getPrefixedByBits(K, int) - Method in interface net.sf.eos.trie.Trie
Returns a view of this Trie of all elements that are prefixed by the number of bits in the given Key.
getRecordWriter(FileSystem, JobConf, String, Progressable) - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.index.LuceneOutputFormat
To configure see XXX_CONFIG_NAME keys.
getRelevance() - Method in class net.sf.eos.search.LookupEntry
Returns the relevance of the entry.
getSecond() - Method in class net.sf.eos.util.Pair
Returns the second value of the pair.
getSerializer() - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.EosDocumentSupportMapReduceBase
Returns a Serializer instance.
getSource() - Method in class net.sf.eos.analyzer.TokenFilter
Returns the source Tokenizer.
getSource() - Method in class net.sf.eos.analyzer.WhitespaceTokenizer
Return value may be null.
getText() - Method in class net.sf.eos.document.EosDocument
Returns the text of the document.
getTextBuilder() - Method in class net.sf.eos.entity.AbstractDictionaryBasedEntityRecognizer
getTextBuilder() - Method in interface net.sf.eos.entity.DictionaryBasedEntityRecognizer
Returns a setted builder.
getTextBuilder() - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.XmlTrieLoader
Returns a setted builder.
getTitle() - Method in class net.sf.eos.document.EosDocument
Returns the title of the document.
getTokenizer() - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.cooccurrence.DictionaryBasedEntityIdKeyGenerator
Returns a Tokenizer as source for the recognizer.
getTokenizer() - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.cooccurrence.DictionaryBasedEntityRecognizerMapper
Returns a Tokenizer as source for the recognizer.
getTokenizer() - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.XmlTrieLoader
getTokenText() - Method in class net.sf.eos.analyzer.AbstractToken
getTokenText() - Method in interface net.sf.eos.analyzer.Token
Returns the text of a token.
getTrie() - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.cooccurrence.DictionaryBasedEntityIdKeyGenerator
getTrie() - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.cooccurrence.DictionaryBasedEntityRecognizerMapper
Returns a Trie instance.
getType() - Method in class net.sf.eos.analyzer.AbstractToken
getType() - Method in interface net.sf.eos.analyzer.Token
Returns the type of the token.
getValue() - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.TrieSource.TrieEntry


HadoopConfigurationAdapter - Class in net.sf.eos.config
Hadoop Configuration holder.
HadoopConfigurationAdapter(Configuration) - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.config.HadoopConfigurationAdapter
Copy constructor for Hadoop configuration.
hash(Object) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.util.EqualsAndHashUtil
Creates a hash code for the given Object according to the rules stated in "Effective Java" by Joshua Bloch.
hash(boolean) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.util.EqualsAndHashUtil
Creates a hash code for the given boolean according to the rules stated in "Effective Java" by Joshua Bloch.
hash(byte) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.util.EqualsAndHashUtil
Creates a hash code for the given byte according to the rules stated in "Effective Java" by Joshua Bloch.
hash(char) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.util.EqualsAndHashUtil
Creates a hash code for the given char according to the rules stated in "Effective Java" by Joshua Bloch.
hash(short) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.util.EqualsAndHashUtil
Creates a hash code for the given short according to the rules stated in "Effective Java" by Joshua Bloch.
hash(int) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.util.EqualsAndHashUtil
Creates a hash code for the given int according to the rules stated in "Effective Java" by Joshua Bloch.
hash(long) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.util.EqualsAndHashUtil
Creates a hash code for the given long according to the rules stated in "Effective Java" by Joshua Bloch.
hash(float) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.util.EqualsAndHashUtil
Creates a hash code for the given float according to the rules stated in "Effective Java" by Joshua Bloch.
hash(double) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.util.EqualsAndHashUtil
Creates a hash code for the given double according to the rules stated in "Effective Java" by Joshua Bloch.
hash(Object[]) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.util.EqualsAndHashUtil
Creates a hash code for the given array of Objects according to the rules stated in "Effective Java" by Joshua Bloch.
hash(boolean[]) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.util.EqualsAndHashUtil
Creates a hash code for the given array of booleans according to the rules stated in "Effective Java" by Joshua Bloch.
hash(byte[]) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.util.EqualsAndHashUtil
Creates a hash code for the given array of bytes according to the rules stated in "Effective Java" by Joshua Bloch.
hash(char[]) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.util.EqualsAndHashUtil
Creates a hash code for the given array of chars according to the rules stated in "Effective Java" by Joshua Bloch.
hash(short[]) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.util.EqualsAndHashUtil
Creates a hash code for the given array of shorts according to the rules stated in "Effective Java" by Joshua Bloch.
hash(int[]) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.util.EqualsAndHashUtil
Creates a hash code for the given array of ints according to the rules stated in "Effective Java" by Joshua Bloch.
hash(long[]) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.util.EqualsAndHashUtil
Creates a hash code for the given array of longs according to the rules stated in "Effective Java" by Joshua Bloch.
hash(float[]) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.util.EqualsAndHashUtil
Creates a hash code for the given array of floats according to the rules stated in "Effective Java" by Joshua Bloch.
hash(double[]) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.util.EqualsAndHashUtil
Creates a hash code for the given array of doubles according to the rules stated in "Effective Java" by Joshua Bloch.
hashCode() - Method in class net.sf.eos.document.EosDocument
Implemented for hash contract.
hashCode() - Method in class net.sf.eos.util.Pair
hasNext() - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.EmptyIterator
headMap(K) - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.PatriciaTrie
higherEntry(K) - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.PatriciaTrie
Returns an entry strictly higher than the given key, or null if no such entry exists.


ID_META_KEY - Static variable in class net.sf.eos.document.EosDocument
A metadata key for the IDs in a metadata.
idf(int, int) - Method in class net.sf.eos.lucene.NormedLengthSimilarity
IdMetadataKeyGenerator - Class in net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.cooccurrence
Creates a new map based on the document metadata value of EosDocument.ID_META_KEY and optionally other metadata information.
IdMetadataKeyGenerator() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.cooccurrence.IdMetadataKeyGenerator
Index - Enum in net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred
IndexMapper<K extends WritableComparable> - Class in net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.index
IndexMapper() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.index.IndexMapper
IndexMapReduceDriver - Class in net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.index
IndexMapReduceDriver() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.index.IndexMapReduceDriver
IndexMerger - Class in net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.index
IndexMerger creates an index for the output corresponding to a single fetcher run.
IndexMerger() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.index.IndexMerger
IndexMerger(Configuration) - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.index.IndexMerger
IndexReducer<K extends WritableComparable> - Class in net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.index
IndexReducer() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.index.IndexReducer
IndexSearcherSupplier - Class in net.sf.eos.lucene
Based on DirectorySupplier.
IndexSearcherSupplier() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.lucene.IndexSearcherSupplier
isBitSet(byte[], int, int) - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.ByteArrayKeyAnalyzer
isBitSet(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.CharSequenceKeyAnalyzer
isBitSet(K, int, int) - Method in interface net.sf.eos.trie.PatriciaTrie.KeyAnalyzer
Returns whether or not a bit is set
isEmpty() - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.PatriciaTrie
Returns true if the Trie is empty
isEqual(boolean, boolean) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.util.EqualsAndHashUtil
boolean equality check.
isEqual(char, char) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.util.EqualsAndHashUtil
char equality check.
isEqual(byte, byte) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.util.EqualsAndHashUtil
byte equality check.
isEqual(short, short) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.util.EqualsAndHashUtil
short equality check.
isEqual(int, int) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.util.EqualsAndHashUtil
int equality check.
isEqual(long, long) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.util.EqualsAndHashUtil
long equality check.
isEqual(float, float) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.util.EqualsAndHashUtil
float equality check.
isEqual(double, double) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.util.EqualsAndHashUtil
double equality check.
isEqual(Object, Object) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.util.EqualsAndHashUtil
Object equality check.
isEqual(boolean[], boolean[]) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.util.EqualsAndHashUtil
boolean array equality check.
isEqual(char[], char[]) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.util.EqualsAndHashUtil
char array equality check.
isEqual(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.util.EqualsAndHashUtil
byte array equality check.
isEqual(short[], short[]) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.util.EqualsAndHashUtil
short array equality check.
isEqual(int[], int[]) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.util.EqualsAndHashUtil
int array equality check.
isEqual(long[], long[]) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.util.EqualsAndHashUtil
long array equality check.
isEqual(float[], float[]) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.util.EqualsAndHashUtil
float array equality check.
isEqual(double[], double[]) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.util.EqualsAndHashUtil
double array equality check.
isEqual(Object[], Object[]) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.util.EqualsAndHashUtil
Object array equality check.
isPrefix(byte[], int, int, byte[]) - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.ByteArrayKeyAnalyzer
isPrefix(CharSequence, int, int, CharSequence) - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.CharSequenceKeyAnalyzer
isPrefix(K, int, int, K) - Method in interface net.sf.eos.trie.PatriciaTrie.KeyAnalyzer
Determines whether or not the given prefix (from offset to length) is a prefix of the given key.
iterator() - Method in class net.sf.eos.config.Configuration
Returns an iterator for the configuration entries.


KeyGenerator<K extends WritableComparable> - Interface in net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred
The key generator creates a key for the given document.
keySet() - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.PatriciaTrie
Returns a set view of the keys contained in this map.


lastKey() - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.PatriciaTrie
length(byte[]) - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.ByteArrayKeyAnalyzer
length(CharSequence) - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.CharSequenceKeyAnalyzer
length(K) - Method in interface net.sf.eos.trie.PatriciaTrie.KeyAnalyzer
Returns the length of the Key in bits.
lengthNorm(String, int) - Method in class net.sf.eos.lucene.NormedLengthSimilarity
list() - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.index.FsDirectory
loadTrie(InputStream, Trie<K, V>) - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.AbstractTrieLoader
loadTrie(InputStream, Trie<K, V>) - Method in interface net.sf.eos.trie.TrieLoader
Creates a <Trie from the InputStream.
loadTrie(InputStream, Trie<CharSequence, Set<CharSequence>>) - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.XmlTrieLoader
Creates a Trie from the InputStream.
LOCAL_PATH_CONFIG_NAME - Static variable in class net.sf.eos.lucene.LocalFsDirectorySupplier
LocalFsDirectorySupplier - Class in net.sf.eos.lucene
LocalFsDirectorySupplier() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.lucene.LocalFsDirectorySupplier
LOG - Static variable in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.index.IndexMerger
LookupEntry - Class in net.sf.eos.search
Bean holder for lookup data.
LookupEntry() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.search.LookupEntry
lowerEntry(K) - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.PatriciaTrie
Returns a key-value mapping associated with the greatest key strictly less than the given key, or null if there is no such key.
LUCENE_EOS_LOOKUP_IMPL_CONFIG_NAME - Static variable in class net.sf.eos.lucene.LuceneEosLookup
The configuration key name for the classname of the creator.
LuceneDocumentCreator - Class in net.sf.eos.lucene
To support different strategies of Lucene document creation this factory decoupled the creation of the document creator from hard coded classnames.
LuceneDocumentCreator() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.lucene.LuceneDocumentCreator
LuceneEosLookup - Class in net.sf.eos.lucene
A simple Lucene entity oriented search lookup implementation.
LuceneEosLookup() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.lucene.LuceneEosLookup
LuceneOutputFormat<K extends WritableComparable,V extends ObjectWritable> - Class in net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.index
Support to write a Lucene index in a Hadoop filesystem.
LuceneOutputFormat() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.index.LuceneOutputFormat
LuceneTokenizerWrapper - Class in net.sf.eos.analyzer.lucene
Wraps the functionality of the εοs Tokenizer for the reuse of Lucene tokenizer.
LuceneTokenizerWrapper(Tokenizer) - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.analyzer.lucene.LuceneTokenizerWrapper
Creates a new wrapper.
LuceneTokenizerWrapper(Tokenizer, Tokenizer) - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.analyzer.lucene.LuceneTokenizerWrapper
Creates a new wrapper.


main(String[]) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.cooccurrence.DictionaryBasedEntityRecognizerMapReduceDriver
The parameter "-t" or "--trie" must be set use the trie data.
main(String[]) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.decompose.SentenceMapReduceDriver
main(String[]) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.index.IndexMapReduceDriver
main(String[]) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.index.IndexMerger
makeLock(String) - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.index.FsDirectory
map(LongWritable, Text, OutputCollector<Text, Text>, Reporter) - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.cooccurrence.DictionaryBasedEntityRecognizerMapper
map(LongWritable, Text, OutputCollector<Text, Text>, Reporter) - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.decompose.SentencerMapper
map(K, Text, OutputCollector<K, Text>, Reporter) - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.index.IndexMapper
MAX_BUFFERED_DOCS_CONFIG_NAME - Static variable in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.index.LuceneOutputFormat
The name of the max buffered docs value.
MAX_FIELD_LENGTH_CONFIG_NAME - Static variable in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.index.LuceneOutputFormat
The maximum field length.
MAX_MERGE_DOCS_CONFIG_NAME - Static variable in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.index.LuceneOutputFormat
The name of the max merge docs value.
MAX_TOKEN_CONFIG_NAME - Static variable in class net.sf.eos.entity.AbstractDictionaryBasedEntityRecognizer
Key for the maximum token count.
MedlineAbstractStructureWords - Class in net.sf.eos.medline
The word list defines terms which structure a medline abstract in something like BACKGROUND:, PURPOSE: or evan a CONCLUSION:.
MedlineAbstractStructureWords() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.medline.MedlineAbstractStructureWords
MedlineTokenizerSupplier - Class in net.sf.eos.medline
MedlineTokenizerSupplier() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.medline.MedlineTokenizerSupplier
merge(Path[], Path, Path) - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.index.IndexMerger
Merge all input indexes to the single output index
MERGE_FACTOR_CONFIG_NAME - Static variable in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.index.LuceneOutputFormat
The name of the merge factory value.
MESSAGE_DIGEST_CONFIG_NAME - Static variable in class net.sf.eos.sentence.Sentencer
The name of the algorithm of the message digest.
META_FIELD_FOR_KEY_CONFIG_NAME - Static variable in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.decompose.TextMetaKeyGenerator
The meta field for separation.
META_FIELD_FOR_SEPARATION_CONFIG_NAME - Static variable in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.cooccurrence.DictionaryBasedEntityRecognizerReducer
The meta field for separation.
META_FIELD_FOR_SEPARATION_CONFIG_NAME - Static variable in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.cooccurrence.IdMetadataKeyGenerator
The meta field for separation.
Metadata - Interface in net.sf.eos
Support for metadata.


net.sf.eos - package net.sf.eos
Core ackage contains only some simple basic structures.
net.sf.eos.analyzer - package net.sf.eos.analyzer
The package contains classes and patterns to support analyzing of CharSequence.
net.sf.eos.analyzer.lucene - package net.sf.eos.analyzer.lucene
Contains adapter and support for reuse of Lucene Tokenizer.
net.sf.eos.config - package net.sf.eos.config
Main package to support the configuration of the classes in the εοs environment.
net.sf.eos.document - package net.sf.eos.document
Contains the base document for all εοs data.
net.sf.eos.entity - package net.sf.eos.entity
Support for named entity recognizer.
net.sf.eos.hadoop - package net.sf.eos.hadoop
Base package for the Hadoop support in εοs.
net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred - package net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred
Contains the base infrastructure for mapreduce handling.
net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.cooccurrence - package net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.cooccurrence
Main task of the εοs-toolkit mapreduce system to support cooccurrence based entity oriented search.
net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.decompose - package net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.decompose
Decomposes a text into it sentences in a mapreduce task.
net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.index - package net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.index
Mapreduce task to create a Lucene index in the HDFS.
net.sf.eos.io - package net.sf.eos.io
Contains I/O support.
net.sf.eos.lucene - package net.sf.eos.lucene
εοs based on Lucene.
net.sf.eos.medline - package net.sf.eos.medline
Support to work with data from the NLM Medline database.
net.sf.eos.search - package net.sf.eos.search
Retrieval independent definitions of data and processes in a entity oriented search lookup.
net.sf.eos.sentence - package net.sf.eos.sentence
It is essential to eleminate double sentences in a corpus with respect to additional metadata.
net.sf.eos.trie - package net.sf.eos.trie
Contains the base structure for memory based entity recognition.
net.sf.eos.util - package net.sf.eos.util
Utilities which make no sence otherwhere.
net.sf.eos.util.functions - package net.sf.eos.util.functions
Some useful functions.
newGenerator() - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.decompose.SentencerMapper
newInstance(Configuration) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.analyzer.TextBuilder
Creates a new instance of a of the builder.
newInstance(Configuration) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.analyzer.TokenizerSupplier
Creates a new instance.
newInstance(Configuration) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.document.Serializer
newInstance(Tokenizer) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.entity.AbstractDictionaryBasedEntityRecognizer
Creates a new instance of a of the recognizer.
newInstance(Tokenizer, Configuration) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.entity.AbstractDictionaryBasedEntityRecognizer
Creates a new instance of a of the recognizer.
newInstance(Configuration) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.entity.CommonNameResolver
Creates a new instance of a of the recognizer.
newInstance(Configuration) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.AbstractKeyGenerator
Creates a new instance.
newInstance(Configuration) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.lucene.AnalyzerSupplier
Creates a new instance of a of the provider.
newInstance(Configuration) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.lucene.DirectorySupplier
Creates a new instance of a of the factory.
newInstance(Configuration) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.lucene.LuceneDocumentCreator
Creates a new instance of a of the creator.
newInstance(Configuration) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.lucene.SearcherSupplier
Creates a new instance of a of the factory.
newInstance(Configuration) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.lucene.SimilaritySupplier
Creates a new instance of a of the provider.
newInstance(Configuration) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.sentence.Sentencer
Creates a new instance of a of the implementation.
newInstance() - Static method in class net.sf.eos.trie.AbstractTrieLoader
Default TrieLoader is XmlTrieLoader.
newInstance(Configuration) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.trie.AbstractTrieLoader
NewlineReplaceWriter - Class in net.sf.eos.io
The implementation replaces linefeed (ASCII 0x0a) and carriage return (ASCII 0x0d) characters thru a space character (ASCII 0x20).
NewlineReplaceWriter(Writer) - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.io.NewlineReplaceWriter
Creates a new writer.
newQuery() - Method in class net.sf.eos.lucene.DefaultLuceneEosLookup
newQuery() - Method in interface net.sf.eos.search.EosLookup
Creates a new query instance to configure and than execute.
newSupplier(Class<? extends Supplier<T>>) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.util.SupplierFactory
Creates a new instance of the Supplier class.
newSupplier(Class<? extends ConfigurableSupplier<T>>, Configuration) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.util.SupplierFactory
Creates a new instance of the ConfigurableSupplier class.
newSupplier(String, Configuration) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.util.SupplierFactory
Creates a new instance of the Supplier class.
newSupplier(String, Configuration, String) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.util.SupplierFactory
Creates a new instance of the Supplier class.
next() - Method in class net.sf.eos.analyzer.CaseTokenFilter
next() - Method in class net.sf.eos.analyzer.lucene.LuceneTokenizerWrapper
next() - Method in class net.sf.eos.analyzer.ResettableTokenFilter
next() - Method in class net.sf.eos.analyzer.SentenceTokenizer
next() - Method in class net.sf.eos.analyzer.StopTokenFilter
next() - Method in class net.sf.eos.analyzer.SurroundingTokenFilter
Removes surrounding characters from the token text.
next() - Method in class net.sf.eos.analyzer.TokenFilter
Implementations should use TokenFilter.getSource() to fetch the source Tokenizer an handle the resulting Token.
next() - Method in interface net.sf.eos.analyzer.Tokenizer
The next token or null.
next() - Method in class net.sf.eos.analyzer.WhitespaceTokenizer
next() - Method in class net.sf.eos.entity.SimpleLongestMatchDictionaryBasedEntityRecognizer
Returned Token may be of type EntityRecognizer.ENTITY_TYPE or any different type.
next() - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.EmptyIterator
nextSentence() - Method in class net.sf.eos.analyzer.SentenceTokenizer
Override this method to implement a different sentence tokenizer.
NormedLengthSimilarity - Class in net.sf.eos.lucene
Normalize the length for NormedLengthSimilarity.lengthNorm(String, int) to 1.0.
NormedLengthSimilarity() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.lucene.NormedLengthSimilarity
NormedLengthSimilaritySupplier - Class in net.sf.eos.lucene
Support for NormedLengthSimilarity.
NormedLengthSimilaritySupplier() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.lucene.NormedLengthSimilaritySupplier
NULL_BIT_KEY - Static variable in interface net.sf.eos.trie.PatriciaTrie.KeyAnalyzer
Returned by bitIndex if key's bits are all 0
Nullable - Annotation Type in net.sf.eos
The presence of this annotation on a method parameter indicates that null is an acceptable value for that parameter.


onEntry(TrieSource.TrieEntryEvent) - Method in interface net.sf.eos.trie.TrieSource.TrieEntryListener
openInput(String) - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.index.FsDirectory
or(String) - Method in class net.sf.eos.lucene.DefaultEosQuery
or(String) - Method in interface net.sf.eos.search.EosQuery
Adds a phrase to lookup with the boolean or operation.
orMeta(String, String) - Method in class net.sf.eos.lucene.DefaultEosQuery
orMeta(String, String) - Method in interface net.sf.eos.search.EosQuery
Adds a meta entry for a special field to lookup with the boolean or operation.
orMetaRange(String, String, String) - Method in class net.sf.eos.lucene.DefaultEosQuery
orMetaRange(String, String, String) - Method in interface net.sf.eos.search.EosQuery
Adds a meta entry for a special field to lookup with the boolean or operation.


Pair<F,S> - Class in net.sf.eos.util
A class to store a pair of generic types.
Pair(F, S) - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.util.Pair
Creates a new pair.
PatriciaTrie<K,V> - Class in net.sf.eos.trie
PatriciaTrie(PatriciaTrie.KeyAnalyzer<? super K>) - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.trie.PatriciaTrie
Constructs a new PatriciaTrie using the given keyAnalyzer.
PatriciaTrie.KeyAnalyzer<K> - Interface in net.sf.eos.trie
Defines the interface to analyze Trie keys on a bit level.
Predicate<T> - Interface in net.sf.eos
Represents a Predicate, that is, a function with one argument returning a boolean value.
put(K, V) - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.PatriciaTrie
Adds a new pair to the Trie and if a pair already exists it will be replaced.


queryNorm(float) - Method in class net.sf.eos.lucene.NormedLengthSimilarity


RAM_BUFFER_SIZE_MB_CONFIG_NAME - Static variable in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.index.LuceneOutputFormat
The RAM buffer size in MB.
rebuildValue(CharSequence) - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.XmlTrieLoader
Rebuilds a sequence of chars if the loader has a setted XmlTrieLoader.setTokenizer(ResettableTokenizer) and a setted XmlTrieLoader.setTextBuilder(TextBuilder).
reduce(Text, Iterator<Text>, OutputCollector<Text, Text>, Reporter) - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.cooccurrence.DictionaryBasedEntityRecognizerReducer
reduce(Text, Iterator<Text>, OutputCollector<Text, Text>, Reporter) - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.decompose.SentencerReducer
reduce(K, Iterator<Text>, OutputCollector<K, ObjectWritable>, Reporter) - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.index.IndexReducer
remove(Object) - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.PatriciaTrie
Removes a Key from the Trie if one exists This may throw ClassCastException if the object is not of type K.
remove() - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.UnmodifiableIterator
Throws UnsupportedOperationException
removeTrieEntryListener(TrieSource.TrieEntryListener) - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.TrieHandler
removeTrieEntryListener(TrieSource.TrieEntryListener) - Method in interface net.sf.eos.trie.TrieSource
renameFile(String, String) - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.index.FsDirectory
reset(CharSequence) - Method in class net.sf.eos.analyzer.ResettableTokenFilter
reset(CharSequence) - Method in interface net.sf.eos.analyzer.ResettableTokenizer
Inits the tokenizer with new input data.
reset(CharSequence) - Method in class net.sf.eos.analyzer.SentenceTokenizer
reset(CharSequence) - Method in class net.sf.eos.analyzer.WhitespaceTokenizer
ResettableTokenFilter - Class in net.sf.eos.analyzer
A token filter that supports handling with resettable tokenizer.
ResettableTokenFilter(Tokenizer, ResettableTokenizer) - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.analyzer.ResettableTokenFilter
Creates a new instance with the source using described in TokenFilter.
ResettableTokenFilter(ResettableTokenizer) - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.analyzer.ResettableTokenFilter
Useful if the tokenizer are the same.
ResettableTokenizer - Interface in net.sf.eos.analyzer
Implementation that are prepared for reuse should implement this interface.
resolveCommonName(String) - Method in class net.sf.eos.entity.CommonNameResolver
Resolves the common entity name for the default locale of the platform.
resolveCommonName(String, Locale) - Method in class net.sf.eos.entity.CommonNameResolver
Resolves the common entity name for the given locale if available.
run(String[]) - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.AbstractEosDriver
Implementations of AbstractEosDriver must call super.run(String[]).
run(String[]) - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.cooccurrence.DictionaryBasedEntityRecognizerMapReduceDriver
Starts the job.
run(String[]) - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.decompose.SentenceMapReduceDriver
Starts the job.
run(String[]) - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.index.IndexMapReduceDriver
Starts the job.
run(String[]) - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.index.IndexMerger


SEARCHER_SUPPLIER_IMPL_CONFIG_NAME - Static variable in class net.sf.eos.lucene.SearcherSupplier
The configuration key name for the classname of the factory.
SearcherSupplier - Class in net.sf.eos.lucene
SearcherSupplier() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.lucene.SearcherSupplier
SearchHolder - Class in net.sf.eos.search
Holder for the search query.
SearchHolder() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.search.SearchHolder
select(K) - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.PatriciaTrie
Returns the Value whose Key has the longest prefix in common with our lookup key.
select(K, Trie.Cursor<? super K, ? super V>) - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.PatriciaTrie
select(Map.Entry<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in interface net.sf.eos.trie.Trie.Cursor
Notification that the Trie is currently looking at the given entry.
select(K) - Method in interface net.sf.eos.trie.Trie
Returns the value for the entry whose key is closest in a bitwise XOR metric to the given key.
select(K, Trie.Cursor<? super K, ? super V>) - Method in interface net.sf.eos.trie.Trie
Iterates through the Trie, starting with the entry whose bitwise value is closest in an XOR metric to the given key.
select(Trie<K, V>, K, int) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.trie.TrieUtils
select(Trie<K, V>, K, int, Trie.Cursor<K, V>) - Static method in class net.sf.eos.trie.TrieUtils
SENTENCE_TYPE - Static variable in class net.sf.eos.analyzer.SentenceTokenizer
SentenceMapReduceDriver - Class in net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.decompose
SentenceMapReduceDriver() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.decompose.SentenceMapReduceDriver
Sentencer - Class in net.sf.eos.sentence
The implementation fragmented EosDocument with more then one sentence in a lot of sentences with maybe only one sentence.
Sentencer() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.sentence.Sentencer
Creates a new instance.
SENTENCER_IMPL_CONFIG_NAME - Static variable in class net.sf.eos.sentence.Sentencer
The configuration key name for the classname of the implementation.
SentencerMapper - Class in net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.decompose
SentencerMapper() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.decompose.SentencerMapper
SentencerReducer - Class in net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.decompose
SentencerReducer() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.decompose.SentencerReducer
SentenceTokenizer - Class in net.sf.eos.analyzer
Tokenized a text into sentences.
SentenceTokenizer() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.analyzer.SentenceTokenizer
SentenceTokenizer(CharSequence) - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.analyzer.SentenceTokenizer
Creates a new tokenizer.
SentenceTokenizer(CharSequence, Locale) - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.analyzer.SentenceTokenizer
Creates a new tokenizer.
serialize(EosDocument, Writer) - Method in class net.sf.eos.document.Serializer
Implementations serializes the content of an EosDocument thru the given writer
serialize(EosDocument, Writer) - Method in class net.sf.eos.document.XmlSerializer
Serializer - Class in net.sf.eos.document
Implementations must serialize and deserialize an EosDocument.
Serializer() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.document.Serializer
SERIALIZER_IMPL_CONFIG_NAME - Static variable in class net.sf.eos.document.Serializer
The configuration key name for the classname of the serializer.
Service - Annotation Type in net.sf.eos.config
Indicates the internal use of a service in an instance.
Services - Annotation Type in net.sf.eos.config
Exports the usage of internal Services.
set(String, String) - Method in class net.sf.eos.config.Configuration
Puts the configuration for the name and the value
setCommonName(String) - Method in class net.sf.eos.search.LookupEntry
Sets the common name of the entry.
setEntityMap(Map<CharSequence, Set<CharSequence>>) - Method in class net.sf.eos.entity.AbstractDictionaryBasedEntityRecognizer
setEntityMap(Map<CharSequence, Set<CharSequence>>) - Method in interface net.sf.eos.entity.DictionaryBasedEntityRecognizer
Set the entity map.
setId(String) - Method in class net.sf.eos.search.LookupEntry
Sets the ID of the entry.
setMaxToken(int) - Method in class net.sf.eos.entity.AbstractDictionaryBasedEntityRecognizer
setMaxToken(int) - Method in interface net.sf.eos.entity.DictionaryBasedEntityRecognizer
setMeta(Map<String, List<String>>) - Method in class net.sf.eos.document.EosDocument
Sets the metadata of the document.
setRelevance(float) - Method in class net.sf.eos.search.LookupEntry
Sets the relevance of the entry.
setText(CharSequence) - Method in class net.sf.eos.document.EosDocument
Sets the text of the document.
setTextBuilder(TextBuilder) - Method in class net.sf.eos.entity.AbstractDictionaryBasedEntityRecognizer
setTextBuilder(TextBuilder) - Method in interface net.sf.eos.entity.DictionaryBasedEntityRecognizer
Sets a builder.
setTextBuilder(TextBuilder) - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.XmlTrieLoader
Sets a builder.
setTitle(CharSequence) - Method in class net.sf.eos.document.EosDocument
Sets the title of the document.
setTokenizer(ResettableTokenizer) - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.XmlTrieLoader
setTrie(Trie<CharSequence, Set<CharSequence>>) - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.cooccurrence.DictionaryBasedEntityIdKeyGenerator
setValue(String) - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.TrieSource.TrieEntry
SIMILARITY_SUPPLIER_IMPL_CONFIG_NAME - Static variable in class net.sf.eos.lucene.SimilaritySupplier
The configuration key name for the classname of the factory.
SimilaritySupplier - Class in net.sf.eos.lucene
To support different strategies of Similarity in a Lucene index this factory decoupled the creation of the Similarity from hard coded classnames.
SimilaritySupplier() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.lucene.SimilaritySupplier
SimpleLongestMatchDictionaryBasedEntityRecognizer - Class in net.sf.eos.entity
A simple matcher for named entities.
SimpleLongestMatchDictionaryBasedEntityRecognizer(Tokenizer) - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.entity.SimpleLongestMatchDictionaryBasedEntityRecognizer
Creates a new instance.
size() - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.PatriciaTrie
Returns the number items in the Trie
sloppyFreq(int) - Method in class net.sf.eos.lucene.NormedLengthSimilarity
SOURCE_LONG_CMD_ARG - Static variable in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.AbstractEosDriver
Long commandline parameter name for the source or input path.
SOURCE_SHORT_CMD_ARG - Static variable in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.AbstractEosDriver
Short commandline parameter name for the source or input path.
SPACE - Static variable in class net.sf.eos.analyzer.TextBuilder.SpaceBuilder
SPACE_BUILDER - Static variable in class net.sf.eos.analyzer.TextBuilder
Simple implementation concats all texts from the tokens delimited by space (ASCII 0x20).
startDocument() - Method in class net.sf.eos.document.XmlSerializer.XmlEosDocumentHandler
startDocument() - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.TrieHandler
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class net.sf.eos.document.XmlSerializer.XmlEosDocumentHandler
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.TrieHandler
StopTokenFilter - Class in net.sf.eos.analyzer
Filter for stop words out of the token stream.
StopTokenFilter(Tokenizer, Set<CharSequence>) - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.analyzer.StopTokenFilter
Creates a new instance.
STRATEGY_IMPL_CONFIG_NAME - Static variable in interface net.sf.eos.hadoop.DistributedCacheStrategy
The key for the name of the strategy implementing class.
STRUCTURE_WORDS_UPPER - Static variable in class net.sf.eos.medline.MedlineAbstractStructureWords
List of medline structure words.
subMap(K, K) - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.PatriciaTrie
Supplier<T> - Interface in net.sf.eos
Instances supply objects of a single type.
SupplierFactory<T> - Class in net.sf.eos.util
SupplierFactory() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.util.SupplierFactory
SurroundingTokenFilter - Class in net.sf.eos.analyzer
The filter removes surrounding braces and other characters around a token text.
SurroundingTokenFilter(Tokenizer) - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.analyzer.SurroundingTokenFilter


tailMap(K) - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.PatriciaTrie
TestDistributedCacheStrategy - Class in net.sf.eos.hadoop
Supports the cache in a test environment.
TestDistributedCacheStrategy() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.hadoop.TestDistributedCacheStrategy
TEXT_BUILDER_IMPL_CONFIG_NAME - Static variable in class net.sf.eos.analyzer.TextBuilder
The configuration key name for the classname of the builder.
TextBuilder - Class in net.sf.eos.analyzer
Implementation creates new text sequences from Token- or CharSequence-lists.
TextBuilder() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.analyzer.TextBuilder
TextBuilder.SpaceBuilder - Class in net.sf.eos.analyzer
Simple implementation concats all texts from the tokens delimited by space (ASCII 0x20).
TextBuilder.SpaceBuilder() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.analyzer.TextBuilder.SpaceBuilder
TextMetaKeyGenerator - Class in net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.decompose
TextMetaKeyGenerator() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.decompose.TextMetaKeyGenerator
textToEosDocument(Text) - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.EosDocumentSupportMapReduceBase
Transforms a Hadoop Text to an EosDocument.
tf(float) - Method in class net.sf.eos.lucene.NormedLengthSimilarity
Token - Interface in net.sf.eos.analyzer
A Token represents a part of a tokenized text.
TokenFilter - Class in net.sf.eos.analyzer
Main class to support Tokenizer chaining, also known as decorator pattern.
TokenFilter(Tokenizer) - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.analyzer.TokenFilter
Creates a new instance.
Tokenizer - Interface in net.sf.eos.analyzer
An implementation splits text data into its Token.
TOKENIZER_PROVIDER_IMPL_CONFIG_NAME - Static variable in class net.sf.eos.analyzer.TokenizerSupplier
The configuration key name for the classname of the provider.
TokenizerException - Exception in net.sf.eos.analyzer
Will throw if something goes wrong during tokenization.
TokenizerException() - Constructor for exception net.sf.eos.analyzer.TokenizerException
Creates a new instance.
TokenizerException(String) - Constructor for exception net.sf.eos.analyzer.TokenizerException
Creates a new instance.
TokenizerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception net.sf.eos.analyzer.TokenizerException
Creates a new instance.
TokenizerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception net.sf.eos.analyzer.TokenizerException
Creates a new instance.
TokenizerSupplier - Class in net.sf.eos.analyzer
Support class for ResettableTokenizer.
TokenizerSupplier() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.analyzer.TokenizerSupplier
toSentenceDocuments(EosDocument, SentenceTokenizer, ResettableTokenizer, TextBuilder) - Method in class net.sf.eos.sentence.DefaultSentencer
toSentenceDocuments(EosDocument, SentenceTokenizer, ResettableTokenizer, TextBuilder) - Method in class net.sf.eos.sentence.Sentencer
Fragments a document into documents of sentences.
toString() - Method in class net.sf.eos.analyzer.AbstractToken
toString() - Method in class net.sf.eos.config.Configuration
toString() - Method in class net.sf.eos.document.EosDocument
The value of the return string may change in future implementations.
toString() - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.index.FsDirectory
toString() - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.PatriciaTrie
Returns each entry as a string.
toString() - Method in class net.sf.eos.util.functions.ConfigurationKeyIntrospectorFunction.ConfigurationKeySupport
touchFile(String) - Method in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.index.FsDirectory
traverse(Trie.Cursor<? super K, ? super V>) - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.PatriciaTrie
traverse(Trie.Cursor<? super K, ? super V>) - Method in interface net.sf.eos.trie.Trie
Traverses the Trie in lexicographical order.
Trie<K,V> - Interface in net.sf.eos.trie
Defines the interface for a prefix tree, an ordered tree data structure.
Trie.Cursor<K,V> - Interface in net.sf.eos.trie
An interface used by a Trie.
Trie.Cursor.SelectStatus - Enum in net.sf.eos.trie
The mode during selection.
TRIE_LOADER_IMPL_CONFIG_NAME - Static variable in class net.sf.eos.trie.AbstractTrieLoader
TRIE_LONG_CMD_ARG - Static variable in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.cooccurrence.DictionaryBasedEntityRecognizerMapReduceDriver
Long commandline parameter name for the path to the trie data.
TRIE_SHORT_CMD_ARG - Static variable in class net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.cooccurrence.DictionaryBasedEntityRecognizerMapReduceDriver
Short commandline parameter name for the path to the trie data.
TrieHandler - Class in net.sf.eos.trie
TrieHandler() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.trie.TrieHandler
TrieLoader<K,V> - Interface in net.sf.eos.trie
Implementations creates new tries.
TrieSource - Interface in net.sf.eos.trie
TrieSource.TrieEntry - Class in net.sf.eos.trie
Represents an entry in the Trie.
TrieSource.TrieEntry(String) - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.trie.TrieSource.TrieEntry
Creates a new instance for the given key.
TrieSource.TrieEntry(String, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.trie.TrieSource.TrieEntry
Creates a new instance for the given key.
TrieSource.TrieEntryEvent - Class in net.sf.eos.trie
TrieSource.TrieEntryEvent(TrieSource.TrieEntry) - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.trie.TrieSource.TrieEntryEvent
TrieSource.TrieEntryListener - Interface in net.sf.eos.trie
TrieUtils - Class in net.sf.eos.trie
Miscellaneous utilities for Tries.


UnmodifiableIterator<E> - Class in net.sf.eos.trie
A convenience class to aid in developing iterators that cannot be modified.
UnmodifiableIterator() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.trie.UnmodifiableIterator
Unsupported - Annotation Type in net.sf.eos
Annotates a method as unsupported.
UserQueryParser - Class in net.sf.eos.search
Simple splitter for user search queries.
UserQueryParser() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.search.UserQueryParser


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.sf.eos.config.ConfigurationKey.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.sf.eos.document.XmlSerializer.ElementName
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.Index
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.sf.eos.lucene.CommonDocument.FieldName
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.sf.eos.trie.Trie.Cursor.SelectStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum net.sf.eos.config.ConfigurationKey.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values() - Static method in enum net.sf.eos.document.XmlSerializer.ElementName
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values() - Static method in enum net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.Index
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values() - Static method in enum net.sf.eos.lucene.CommonDocument.FieldName
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values() - Method in class net.sf.eos.trie.PatriciaTrie
Returns a collection view of the values contained in this map.
values() - Static method in enum net.sf.eos.trie.Trie.Cursor.SelectStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.


WhitespaceAnalyzerSupplier - Class in net.sf.eos.lucene
Supprt for Lucene WhitespaceAnalyzer.
WhitespaceAnalyzerSupplier() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.lucene.WhitespaceAnalyzerSupplier
WhitespaceTokenizer - Class in net.sf.eos.analyzer
Tokenized a sequence of chars at whitespaces.
WhitespaceTokenizer(Tokenizer) - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.analyzer.WhitespaceTokenizer
Creates a new instance.
WhitespaceTokenizer() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.analyzer.WhitespaceTokenizer
Creates a new instance.
WhitespaceTokenizer(CharSequence) - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.analyzer.WhitespaceTokenizer
Creates a new instance for a char sequence.
write(int) - Method in class net.sf.eos.io.NewlineReplaceWriter
write(char[], int, int) - Method in class net.sf.eos.io.NewlineReplaceWriter
write(String, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.eos.io.NewlineReplaceWriter


XmlSerializer - Class in net.sf.eos.document
Serializer and deserializer for an EosDocument.
XmlSerializer() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.document.XmlSerializer
XmlSerializer.ElementName - Enum in net.sf.eos.document
Represents the XML element names of a serialized εοs document.
XmlSerializer.XmlEosDocumentHandler - Class in net.sf.eos.document
Deserializes a EosDocument which is serialized by XmlSerializer.serialize(EosDocument, Writer).
XmlSerializer.XmlEosDocumentHandler() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.document.XmlSerializer.XmlEosDocumentHandler
XmlTrieLoader - Class in net.sf.eos.trie
The builder creates a trie from a simple XML file.
XmlTrieLoader() - Constructor for class net.sf.eos.trie.XmlTrieLoader


YEAR_META_KEY - Static variable in class net.sf.eos.document.EosDocument
A metadata key for the year in a metadata.


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