Package net.sf.eos.config

Main package to support the configuration of the classes in the εοs environment.


Interface Summary
Configurable Class which are configurable must implement this interface.
ConfigurableSupplier<T> Instances supply objects of a single type which are configurable.

Class Summary
Configuration A simple name value configuration handler.
ConfigurationKey.AlwaysTruePredicate The predicate always returns true.
Configured Support class for configurable objects.
FactoryMethod.None Default none implementation.
HadoopConfigurationAdapter Hadoop Configuration holder.

Enum Summary
ConfigurationKey.Type The possible type of the configuration parameter.

Exception Summary
ConfigurationException May throw if a configuration is not valid.

Annotation Types Summary
ConfigurationKey Indicates that a field name is a key of the Configuration data.
FactoryMethod Identifies a method in a class as a factory method.
Service Indicates the internal use of a service in an instance.
Services Exports the usage of internal Services.

Package net.sf.eos.config Description

Main package to support the configuration of the classes in the εοs environment.

Configured is an abstract helper to support easier configuration.

HadoopConfigurationAdapter is a helper class to change between Hadoops configuration system an this εοs configuration system.

Sascha Kohlmann

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