Class UserQueryParser

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class UserQueryParser
extends Object
implements Function<String,List<String>>

Simple splitter for user search queries. User search queries must be very simple to understand (for the most users, not for power user).

A search query is a quantity of phrases. A term is a literal without any whitespace character. Whitespace characters are the delimiter of the terms in a search query. A compound is a quantity of terms enclosed by two ASCII 0x22 (") characters called phrase. The processor}} returns a list of terms and phrases in order of there index position in the query. The processor removes ASCII 0x22 characters an normalizes following whitespace characters to only one ASCII 0x20 character. All whitespace characters other than ASCII 0x20 will normalized to ASCII 0x20. Newlines were removed if possible. If the character count of ASCII 0x22 is odd, the last ASCII 0x22 will be part of a term or a single term.

Sascha Kohlmann

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 List<String> apply(String query)
          Splits the user query in different terms and phrases.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.eos.Function

Constructor Detail


public UserQueryParser()
Method Detail


public List<String> apply(String query)
Splits the user query in different terms and phrases.

Specified by:
apply in interface Function<String,List<String>>
query - the users search query
Array with different search information

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