Package net.sf.eos.lucene

εοs based on Lucene.


Interface Summary

Class Summary
AnalyzerSupplier To support different strategies of Lucene analyzers this factory decoupled the creation of the analyzer from hard coded classnames.
DefaultEosQuery Use internally AnalyzerSupplier, SearcherSupplier and CommonNameResolver if configured.
DefaultLuceneDocumentCreator NameValue ofStoreTokenizeComment CONTENTEosDocument.getText()YesTOKENIZED CREATOREosDocument.CREATOR_META_KEYYesTOKENIZEDAll values where added to the field IDEosDocument.ID_META_KEYYesUN_TOKENIZEDAll values where added to the field YEAREosDocument.YEAR_META_KEYYesUN_TOKENIZEDAll values where added to the field
IndexSearcherSupplier Based on DirectorySupplier.
LuceneDocumentCreator To support different strategies of Lucene document creation this factory decoupled the creation of the document creator from hard coded classnames.
LuceneEosLookup A simple Lucene entity oriented search lookup implementation.
NormedLengthSimilarity Normalize the length for NormedLengthSimilarity.lengthNorm(String, int) to 1.0.
NormedLengthSimilaritySupplier Support for NormedLengthSimilarity.
SimilaritySupplier To support different strategies of Similarity in a Lucene index this factory decoupled the creation of the Similarity from hard coded classnames.
WhitespaceAnalyzerSupplier Supprt for Lucene WhitespaceAnalyzer.

Enum Summary
CommonDocument.FieldName The field names.

Package net.sf.eos.lucene Description

εοs based on Lucene. This package contains abstractions for the index creation and index look up. To support a better decoupling and configuration, the core services will create over factories.


In a concordance system the length of a document may not be crucial. The main implementation of the Lucene length of the document is considered. The shorter document is the more important document. To suppress this attitude the default similarity implementation is NormedLengthSimilarity which sets the NormedLengthSimilarity.lengthNorm(java.lang.String, int) always to 1.0f.


To decouple the creation of the Lucence documents use instances of LuceneDocumentCreator. The LuceneDocumentCreator.newInstance(net.sf.eos.config.Configuration) factory method creates a new instance.


Its also possible to replace the Lucene analyzer. User the AnalyzerSupplier with the AnalyzerSupplier.newInstance(net.sf.eos.config.Configuration) factory method to create a new instance.

Sascha Kohlmann

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