Uses of Class

Packages that use EosException
net.sf.eos.analyzer The package contains classes and patterns to support analyzing of CharSequence
net.sf.eos.document Contains the base document for all εοs data. 
net.sf.eos.entity Support for named entity recognizer. 
net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred Contains the base infrastructure for mapreduce handling. 
net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.cooccurrence Main task of the εοs-toolkit mapreduce system to support cooccurrence based entity oriented search. 
net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.decompose Decomposes a text into it sentences in a mapreduce task. 
net.sf.eos.lucene εοs based on Lucene Retrieval independent definitions of data and processes in a entity oriented search lookup. 
net.sf.eos.sentence It is essential to eleminate double sentences in a corpus with respect to additional metadata. 

Uses of EosException in net.sf.eos.analyzer

Subclasses of EosException in net.sf.eos.analyzer
 class TokenizerException
          Will throw if something goes wrong during tokenization.

Methods in net.sf.eos.analyzer that throw EosException
static TextBuilder TextBuilder.newInstance(Configuration config)
          Creates a new instance of a of the builder.

Uses of EosException in net.sf.eos.document

Methods in net.sf.eos.document that throw EosException
static Serializer Serializer.newInstance(Configuration config)

Uses of EosException in net.sf.eos.entity

Methods in net.sf.eos.entity that throw EosException
static CommonNameResolver CommonNameResolver.newInstance(Configuration config)
          Creates a new instance of a of the recognizer.
static DictionaryBasedEntityRecognizer AbstractDictionaryBasedEntityRecognizer.newInstance(Tokenizer source)
          Creates a new instance of a of the recognizer.
static DictionaryBasedEntityRecognizer AbstractDictionaryBasedEntityRecognizer.newInstance(Tokenizer source, Configuration config)
          Creates a new instance of a of the recognizer.
 String CommonNameResolver.resolveCommonName(String id)
          Resolves the common entity name for the default locale of the platform.
abstract  String CommonNameResolver.resolveCommonName(String id, Locale locale)
          Resolves the common entity name for the given locale if available.

Uses of EosException in net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred

Methods in net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred that throw EosException
 Map<K,EosDocument> KeyGenerator.createKeysForDocument(EosDocument doc)
          Creates a new key.
protected  Serializer EosDocumentSupportMapReduceBase.getSerializer()
          Returns a Serializer instance.
static AbstractKeyGenerator<? extends WritableComparable> AbstractKeyGenerator.newInstance(Configuration conf)
          Creates a new instance.

Uses of EosException in net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.cooccurrence

Methods in net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.cooccurrence that throw EosException
 Map<Text,EosDocument> IdMetadataKeyGenerator.createKeysForDocument(EosDocument doc)
 Map<Text,EosDocument> DictionaryBasedEntityIdKeyGenerator.createKeysForDocument(EosDocument doc)

Uses of EosException in net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.decompose

Methods in net.sf.eos.hadoop.mapred.decompose that throw EosException
 Map<Text,EosDocument> TextMetaKeyGenerator.createKeysForDocument(EosDocument doc)
protected  KeyGenerator<Text> SentencerMapper.newGenerator()

Uses of EosException in net.sf.eos.lucene

Methods in net.sf.eos.lucene that throw EosException
 DefaultEosQuery DefaultEosQuery.andNot(String phrase)
abstract  org.apache.lucene.document.Document LuceneDocumentCreator.createLuceneForEosDocument(EosDocument doc)
          Creates a Lucene Document for a given EosDocument.
 org.apache.lucene.document.Document DefaultLuceneDocumentCreator.createLuceneForEosDocument(EosDocument doc)
          Creates a new document.
 List<LookupEntry> DefaultEosQuery.execute()
static SimilaritySupplier SimilaritySupplier.newInstance(Configuration config)
          Creates a new instance of a of the provider.
static SearcherSupplier SearcherSupplier.newInstance(Configuration config)
          Creates a new instance of a of the factory.
static LuceneDocumentCreator LuceneDocumentCreator.newInstance(Configuration config)
          Creates a new instance of a of the creator.
static DirectorySupplier DirectorySupplier.newInstance(Configuration config)
          Creates a new instance of a of the factory.
static AnalyzerSupplier AnalyzerSupplier.newInstance(Configuration config)
          Creates a new instance of a of the provider.

Uses of EosException in

Methods in that throw EosException
 EosQuery EosQuery.and(String phrase)
          Adds a phrase to lookup with the boolean and operation.
 EosQuery EosQuery.andMeta(String fieldName, String value)
          Adds a meta entry for a special field to lookup with the boolean and operation.
 EosQuery EosQuery.andMetaRange(String fieldName, String lowerBoundValue, String upperBoundValue)
          Adds a meta entry for a special field to lookup with the boolean and operation.
 EosQuery EosQuery.andNot(String phrase)
          Adds a phrase not to lookup with the boolean and operation.
 EosQuery EosQuery.andNotMeta(String fieldName, String value)
          Adds a meta entry for a special field to not lookup with the boolean and operation.
 List<LookupEntry> EosQuery.execute()
          Creates the executable query.
 EosQuery EosLookup.newQuery()
          Creates a new query instance to configure and than execute.
 EosQuery EosQuery.or(String phrase)
          Adds a phrase to lookup with the boolean or operation.
 EosQuery EosQuery.orMeta(String fieldName, String value)
          Adds a meta entry for a special field to lookup with the boolean or operation.
 EosQuery EosQuery.orMetaRange(String fieldName, String lowerBoundValue, String upperBoundValue)
          Adds a meta entry for a special field to lookup with the boolean or operation.

Uses of EosException in net.sf.eos.sentence

Methods in net.sf.eos.sentence that throw EosException
protected  MessageDigest Sentencer.createDigester()
          Returns the message digest implementation.
static Sentencer Sentencer.newInstance(Configuration config)
          Creates a new instance of a of the implementation.
abstract  Map<String,EosDocument> Sentencer.toSentenceDocuments(EosDocument doc, SentenceTokenizer sentencer, ResettableTokenizer tokenizer, TextBuilder builder)
          Fragments a document into documents of sentences.
 Map<String,EosDocument> DefaultSentencer.toSentenceDocuments(EosDocument doc, SentenceTokenizer sentencer, ResettableTokenizer tokenizer, TextBuilder builder)

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